What we do
Some of the tasks we have already actioned within Merley have been;
Putting up bird and bat boxes (purchased by our volunteers) in various locations, this includes a tawny owl box.
Working with The Lantern Church we have planted daffodil and crocus bulbs (some donated by Tesco and purchased by our volunteers) in three different locations (Selkirk Park, Lantern Church and Chichester Walk grassland area).
Working with Merley First School and Merley Community Centre, we fenced off an grassland area within the centre car park, to save some pyramidal and bee orchids being trod on.
We've planted sapling trees (donated by The Woodland Trust) in one corner of Fenners Field, which we now weed when needed.
We rake the cut grass on the banks at the zip-line area to help improve the ground for wildflowers to thrive in the summer when left uncut by the council.
​We are currently trying to find funding for future wildlife projects around Merley so hopefully more projects will be on the horizon.
Please note that all relevant permissions to access the land and carry out the activities have been (or will be regards to future projects) granted by landowners.
Photo: The group raking the cut grass from the banks at the zipwire area at Selkirk Park. This helps improve the ground for wildflowers giving them more of a chance to thrive. If you would like to get involved please click here for more information.
Connecting with nature
Just doing simple things like putting out bird food in the winter or making sure that you leave spaces for hedgehogs to pass through your garden can have a big impact on the wildlife that is all around us.
Photo: Hedgehog Highway - Please go to our Useful links page for more details.